Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

19 Ways to Go from No Energy to Full Blast

There’s nothing worse than plugging along like a trooper and suddenly running out of steam. If having no energy is becoming your status quo, here are 19 simple and natural ways to blast through the blahs so you can get back to business.

1. Eat chia seeds
These itty bitty seeds have so much going on they should be wearing itty bitty capes: They’re packed with B vitamins, fiber and protein, all of which will give you the pick-me-up you need.

2. Walk
A 10-minute walk can boost your energy for up to two hours!

3. Drink more water
Dehydration equals fatigue. Make sure you have water on hand for when you feel thirsty.

4. Yawn
Yawning cools down your brain, which wakes it up.

5. Know your pressure points
Throw a few acupressure techniques in your arsenal: Increase energy by massaging your earlobes to the tops of your ears for 30 seconds with your index fingers and thumbs. Pinching the point between your thumb and forefinger for several minutes will also give you a quick energy boost.

6. Sit up straight
Proper posture allows proper blood flow throughout your body, and among other things improves mental alertness.

7. Get dolled up
When you look frumpy, you feel frumpy. Put more effort in your appearance and you’ll be strutting around in no time.

8. Enjoy more magnesium
Not having enough magnesium in your diet will zap your energy. Munch on pumpkin seeds, almonds, cashews and spinach more often.

9. Brighten your day
Wear bright clothing and surround yourself with bright colors in your home and office. Yellow’s known for boosting optimism, while scarlet red stimulates your aggressive, ambitious side.

10. Take a whiff
Keep the scent of cinnamon around, which reduces fatigue and makes you feel more alert. If you don’t have cinnamon handy, peppermint and citrus scents are also fabulous for those moments of no energy.

11. Hang with energetic friends
We all have a friend or two who are the female equivalent to the Energizer Bunny. When you need a lift, give them a call or spend some time with them. Energy is contagious!

12. Clean
Nothing lowers your energy level more than clutter and mess. Throw on some upbeat music and organize the areas of your home you spend the most time in.

13. Ignore time
Book one day a month as a deadline and obligation-free day just for you. Drop everything and spend the day doing what you feel compelled to do in the moment. It’s a refreshing way to give yourself a boost when you have no energy.

14. Sing
When listening to upbeat music, take it one step further by singing along to the song. Singing offers an emotional high while reducing stress hormones. Cha-ching! (But if you’re tone-deaf like me, perhaps stick to shower and car performances.)

15. Laugh
Watch a funny movie or show, talk to a comical friend or check out ridiculous YouTube videos.Laughter reduces blood pressure and stress hormones, and helps get rid of that weighed down feeling of having no energy.

16. Go outside
Being outside for just a few minutes enhances your mood and memory, not to mention sunshine increases levels of vitamin D which helps fight depression.

17. Get it over with
By “it,” I’m referring to that nagging chore you keep putting off. Whether it’s something at work you’ve been avoiding or that horrendous pile of dirty laundry, when it’s finally done you’ll feel a huge surge of energy that will pick you up for the rest of the day.

18. Bring nature indoors
Surround yourself with plants, scenic prints of places that inspire you, open your windows – do everything you can to bring more nature into your everyday life.

19. Get to know your rhythm
We all have specific times of the day where we feel energized, and others where we feel sluggish and unmotivated. Figure out when you’re at your energy peak and use that time to get your most important tasks done, leaving not-so-important ones (or ones that don’t take a lot of energy) for when you have no energy but still need to truck along.

Source: healthdigezt.com

Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Symptoms and Treatment

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive compulsive disorder is one of the most difficult mental health disorders to survive with. It’s characterized by a variety of intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions) that take over your life and provide considerable amounts of anxiety and grief.

It’s possible to live with just obsessions. For example a fear of being contaminated by germs may be considered an obsession, and may not have any noticeable compulsive aspect. However, many of those with germ fears wash their hands numerous times a day to compensate, and this may be the way their compulsion manifests.

There are thousands of possible obsessions and fears, and thousands of different types of compulsions. But the basis of the disorder is severe stress and anxiety over these obsessions that drives the need to perform compulsive actions.

Understanding Obsessions
Obsessions are often the hardest issue to understand. Obsessions are thought based, and the most clear component of an obsession is a negative thought that you simply cannot shake. Generally the thought is focused and unyielding, although it may present itself in different forms. Examples of obsessions include:

•Fearing the effects of dirt, germs, or illness.
•Worried about someone harming you, or you harming others.
•Worried about whether someone else will be harmed, not by you.
•Unwanted impulses to hurt others or worry over uncontrollable aggression.
•Visions or images of horrific things.
•Unwanted, recurring sexual thoughts – often of an taboo or religiously unacceptable nature.
Feels of disorder – the need for things to show some type of order/symmetry.

Remember, the key is “negative” thoughts, not necessarily obsessions in the traditional sense. The obsession may not be over a person or an action, but rather the inability to shake a thought or a need. Requiring symmetry is an example – the need to organize something or put something in a specific order may be overwhelming, but the thought isn’t inherently bad. It’s the inability to control the thought that makes it an obsession.

Those with OCD may not only have one obsession either. You may have multiple obsessions that occur at random whenever you encounter the nature of that obsession. You may also have obsessions you don’t even realize you have. For example, you may find yourself checking the stove 10 times in a row because you want to make sure you didn’t leave it on, but you may not realize that you’re having that thought unless someone mentions it to you.

Understanding Compulsions
Unlike obsessions, which are thought based, compulsions are behavior based. They’re physical/behavioral responses that you can’t seem to control. You’re compelled to do them, and if you don’t, you may experience severe stress that forces you to keep doing it.

Imagine the old childhood phrase “don’t step on the crack or you’ll fall and break your back.” Someone with OCD may have this belief, and the compulsion will be stepping a certain way to avoid cracks. If someone with compulsions does step on a crack, they may find themselves going back and starting over so as to avoid the crack in the future.

Nearly anything can be a compulsion, but some examples of compulsions include:

•Ritualized cleaning.
•Re-ordering or re-arranging rituals.
•Touching certain types of objects whenever you see them.
•Repeating completed activities.
•Checking and rechecking things.
•Counting objects, or simply counting inside your head.

Most compulsions are directly observable, because they’re behaviors designed to rid yourself of the obsessive thought. But the compulsion may be a bit deeper than that. Counting, for example, may take place in thought form rather than in a visibly observable way.

How Are Obsessions Created?
Obsession causes are not well understood. It’s thought that obsessions may be the result of flawed moral thinking or a type of phobia. There is also most likely a chemical component in the brain that contributes as well, such as serotonin. It may also be the nature of generalized anxiety – which can in some cases cause negative thinking or unexpected worries.

Numerous studies have shown that those that try not to think of something end up thinking about it more than those that don’t try. For example, if someone asked you not to think about a white sock, and someone told someone else to think about a white sock, the person told NOT to think about it would probably think about it more often.

That’s because it takes a lot of brain power to not think about something, and in order to remind yourself not to think about something you have to think about it.

With that in mind, it’s possible that obsessions are also the result of trying too hard not to have a negative thought. This causes the thought to come up more often, which causes greater fear in the individual about the validity of the negative thought.

There is no limit to the number of obsessions a person can have, and obsessions can always be developed later. Some obsessions may also be attributed to images a person wishes they could forget (such as witnessing a death), while others may have no basis in experience.

How Are Compulsions Created?
Compulsions are a bit easier to understand, and have their basis in a behavioral learning theory known as “negative reinforcement.” Negative reinforcement is when some sort of action or behavior takes a bad thing away.

For example, if a dog has a thorn in its paw and whines, and you come and you take the thorn out of their paw so they feel better, then the dog knows the next time it has a thorn in its paw it should whine faster to get you to respond. It learns that when it whines, you come and take the bad thing away.

Human beings may not be as simple as dogs, but behavioral reinforcement works in a very similar way. With compulsions, the person performs some sort of behavior (possibly at random, possibly for a reason based on the obsession – such as hand washing from germ fears) and they find the negative thought goes away, or at least reduces their anxiety. They then do the behavior again, and find that their thought goes away again. Pretty soon they find themselves doing the behavior every time they have the obsession, and at some point, they may even find themselves doing the behavior even when they’re not having the obsessive thought at all.

There are countless ways that these obsessions and compulsions can take shape:

Obsession: Something bad will happen to someone – Compulsion: Checking on them constantly.
Obsession: Fear of germs or contamination – Compulsion: Washing hands regularly.
Obsession: Fear of losing objects of value or memories – Compulsion: Hoarding all of your stuff.
Obsession: Feelings of worthlessness – Compulsion: Muttering or praying.
Obsession: Worried about making mistakes – Compulsion: Repeating tasks numerous times.
Obsession: Feeling the world is dirty/disorganized – Compulsion: Organizing and rearranging objects.

Also, because of the nature of these compulsions and behaviors, it’s just as possible to have compulsions that appear to make no sense at all.

Can You Be Predisposed to OCD?
While there doesn’t appear to be a gender or race preference to obsessive compulsive disorder, there does appear to be a heredity factor for developing OCD. Those with family members that have obsessive compulsive disorder appear to be more likely to experience it than the rest of the population. Estimates put the number of people suffering from some form of obsessive compulsive disorder at near 2.5%, although not all of those cases require clinical intervention.

It’s possible that obsessive compulsive disorder also shares other genetic pathways with other mental health issues. Those with OCD tend to be more likely to suffer from other conditions, such as major depression, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobia, panic disorder and substance abuse.

However, just because you may be predisposed to obsessive compulsive disorder does not mean that it’s something that can’t be cured. The good news about all mental health disorders is that with the right treatment you can find relief.

Treatments for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Several treatment options are available for those living with OCD. Two of the most well-known treatments include:

Exposure and Response Prevention
Exposure and response prevention course is the common treatment standard for OCD cases. This specific technique attempts to help patients gradually learn how to put up with their own obsessive thoughts without performing the ritual or compulsive behavior. It is based on the idea that when the client suffers from their thoughts, they learn to stop withdrawing to their escape response (the compulsion).

It also acts on the principle that by allowing themselves to focus on the thought rather than try to fight it, the thought loses its power. Variations of exposure therapy play a role in several other anxiety disorders as well, including PTSD.

Cognitive-Biobehavioral Self-Treatment
Cognitive-Biobehavioral self-treatment is another approach to combatting OCD. It utilizes several anxiety-reduction principles, and a four step strategy to reduce their tendencies towards obsessions and compulsions. The steps are as follows:

This step requires a technique known as “mindful awareness.” It’s a conscious recognition that the intrusive thoughts and compulsive urges are the symptoms of a mental health disorder, and not something that someone thinks is natural. The client will re-label their thoughts as obsessions and their urges as compulsions, in order to call them what they really are and ensure that they realize that neither their thoughts nor their compulsions are something they can’t control. This technique teaches acknowledgement of the problem in order to improve the overall outcome.

The re-attributing step of the process is to learn to train yourself to recognize that your thoughts and urges are caused by your OCD, and not by any internal desires. It’s very similar to the first step, in that it’s meant to give you clarity over the cause of your problem.

The difference is that with this type of awareness, the hope is that you will be able to stop yourself when you’re having an obsessive thought or compulsive behavior, and be able to say to yourself “this is just my OCD.” Both the relabeling process and the reattribution process are often performed together.

The refocus exercise involves replacing rituals and compulsions with more constructive/pleasant behaviors. At its heart it is still a ritual, much like other compulsions, but the goal of this exercise is to provide you with a ritual that acts as a distraction, rather than a compulsion designed to stop the obsessions. Examples of these behaviors include reading, exercising, knitting, walking, or listening to music. By changing the ritual to one that distracts your mind, your obsessions should decrease without a corresponding negative behavior.

The final step of the Cognitive-Biobehavioral Self-Treatment exercise for OCD involves lowering the importance you give to your obsessions and compulsions. Many of those suffering from OCD give too much value to their thoughts and actions. They’ll have an intrusive, negative thought and think it reflects on them, trying to hide the thought and fight it and losing their self-worth in the process.

This step teaches the idea that thoughts are just thoughts, and the compulsions are nothing more than a response to the thought. It focuses on the idea that these are not reflective of you as a person, and the importance you give them is more than they deserve.

Other Treatments for OCD
There are several other treatments for obsessive compulsive disorder available as well. Success rate isn’t just based on the overall success rate for the type of treatment. The success rate is also based on you and your personality. That is why you shouldn’t give up – everyone living with OCD can be cured, but finding the right treatment may take time, especially because every treatment you decide to use requires a long term commitment.

Source: calmclinic.com

11 Health Benefits of Black Tea

One of the most extensively consumed beverage, black tea, is significantly becoming a health drink too because of the various nutritious compounds that it encloses. Black tea is more oxidised than white, oolong or green tea and hence; it is a little different from them in terms of flavour and health benefits. Check out in this article that how black tea can prove to be beneficial for you.

1. Provides Antioxidant
Black tea is a superb container of antioxidants, like polyphenols, which help in curbing down the DNA damage. It also aids in curing hearing troubles and Parkinson’s disease.

2. Increases Immunity
The principal compound of black tea that enhances immunity is alkylamine antigens. Black tea helps us in upholding our health from common diseases, like cold and flu. The tannins in black tea combat these infectious viruses.

3. Stress Relief
The L-theanine compounds in black tea reduce the level of stress hormones in the body, which consequently recovers our concentration power and makes us feel relaxed.

4. Improves Digestion
Consumption of black tea every day maintains the health of the digestive tract because of the tannin contents into it. These tannins help you to get rid of intestinal and gastric ailments.

5. Maintains Oral Health
Black tea has also proved great in maintaining the dental health. It restricts the growth of bacteria and consequently, reduces plaque build-up. The polyphenols found in black tea kills harmful bacteria.

6. Keeps Heart Healthy
The propensity of cardiovascular health is also diminished to a large extent by black tea. The antioxidants in black tea trims down the risk of heart attacks by preventing arteries from injury.

7. Increases Energy
Black tea helps in enhancing blood flow to the brain and hence; it is considered to be an energizing drink. Moderate amount of caffeine in body stimulates alertness, metabolism, and brain function.

8. Prevents Cancer
Black tea is also considered effective in treating cancer by eradicating the formation of cancerous cells. The TF-2 compounds in black tea causes cells causing cancer to go into the state of apoptosis, which is the automatic death of the cancer cells.

9. Eliminates Free Radicals
The antioxidants present in black tea remove free radicals that are the main reasons behind internal blood clotting, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Black tea with lemon is really effective for this purpose.

10. Aids in Weight Loss
Being low in fat, sodium, and calories, black tea is also good in watching over the weight. However, to sweeten the tea, avoid sugar and use honey or stevia leaves.

11. Lower Cholesterol
Black tea drops down the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol in the body. This supports in keeping the heart healthy.

Source: homeremedy.com

Top 7 Tips to Keep Your Breasts Healthy

When it comes to young women and breast cancer, there’s good news and bad news. The good: Their chances of having the disease are much lower than an older woman’s. The bad: If cancer does strike, it can be more aggressive, says Debra Mangino, M.D., of New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

But a healthy lifestyle can help protect your breasts. These are the changes and early-detection methods experts say are key:

1. Stay at a Healthy Weight

Being heavy can increase your risk of developing the disease as well as reduce your risk of surviving it, says Harold Freeman, M.D., president and founder of the Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer and Prevention in New York City.

2. Break a Sweat

Aim to exercise for 45 minutes to an hour five days a week. Regular fitness workouts may help prevent the disease by boosting immune function, warding off obesity, and lowering levels of estrogen and insulin.

3. Drink Less Alcohol

Research has shown that two drinks a day could increase breast cancer risk by 21 percent. Instead, try swapping wine for fresh grapes. Resveratrol, found in the skin of grapes, may help reduce your estrogen levels, which in turn may reduce your risk.

4. Eat Your Veggies

A low-fat diet can do a lot to reduce your risk, but for even more protection, add some cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, to your plate. They contain sulforaphane, which is believed to help prevent cancer cells from multiplying. For an extra dose of cancer-fighting power, eat them raw.

5. Know Your Family History

“In about 15 percent of breast cancer cases, there is a family history of the disease,” Freeman says. If you have one first-degree relative who had breast cancer, your lifetime risk doubles, and if you have two your risk increases five-fold.

6. Get Checked

All women should have a clinical breast exam at least every three years and annual exams and mammograms starting at age 40. Women with a family history should begin screening 10 years prior to the family member’s age of diagnosis. Ask if the facility offers digital mammography–it allows for adjustments in contrast so the image can be easier to see. Young women at increased risk may also want to ask for either an MRI or a sonogram in addition to the mammogram.

7. Consider Genetic Testing

“When cancer strikes young women, it’s more likely to be connected to a BRCA mutation,” Mangino says. Two red flags for being a BRCA carrier: being of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish descent or having a family history of both breast and ovarian cancer. “If you have either of these factors, see a genetic counselor to talk about getting tested,” she says.

 Source: healthdigezt.com

9 Habits that Halt Aging

A song by the popular band, Queen, asked, “Who wants to live forever?” The truth is that if that were possible, many people would try to live for thousands of years. Not to exaggerate, but with these tips you can have a healthier life and be in better health.

Who says you can’t live past 80 or 90 years old? It’s just a matter of changing your habits as soon as possible so that you have a better quality of life and less health problems. It sounds like a dream or utopia, but it is possible to turn it into reality.

The Latest Studies on Modern Living

Studies show that although your chance of surviving is higher in comparison to other times, people lived much more healthier before. Why live to 85 if you are suffering from diseases and sicknesses?


Sedentary lifestyles, bad food, alcohol, and cigarettes are the four worst factors for someone to live better and longer. According to what they say, these combined can take off up to 12 years of someone’s lifetime.

The good news is if you change these habits a little and are aware that you only have one body and must take care of it, you can reduce this number or, in other words, add more life to your age.

Nine Ways to Live Longer

Don’t Eat Excessively

To get to 100 years old, leave a little bit of food on your plate everyday or eat less. The Japanese are the people that live the longest on the planet because, according to an expert, they eat until they feel 80% satisfied. In order to know when your stomach is a little more than 3/4 full, you should eat slowly. Eating less food helps you grow older slower because calories make the production of the thyroid hormone T3 increase, which slows down your metabolism.

Have More Sex

Two or three times a week is the recommended amount in order to live longer. Good sex keeps you busy, releases positive hormones, burns a large amount of calories (comparable to a half hour walk), lowers blood pressure, strengthens your immune system, improves sleep, reduces excess weight, and protects your heart.

Turn Off the TV and Computer


Spending too much time in front of screens is not good for your health. People that watch 4 hours of TV a day are 50% more likely to die from problems related to sedentary lifestyles than those who only spend 2 hours or less watching it. Turning the TV off also helps you sleep better and more pleasantly.

They recommend not watching television before going to sleep; read a book instead. In regards to the computer, the work tool of millions of people, it is not always possible to avoid. That’s why it is a good idea to take breaks during your shift, go outside to get some fresh air, stretch your legs, etc.

Avoid Sun Exposure

Avoid harmful UV rays as much as possible to avoid problems like irritation, burns, and even skin cancer. You will also look younger because wrinkles, spots, and freckles won’t form. When you go outside in the summer, put on at least SPF 30, not only on your face but also on your chest, neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.

Have a Busy Social Life

Studies have shown that people that are always surround by friends and family have less risk of suffering from heart problems. Loneliness causes depression, stress, high cholesterol, anxiety, fear, etc. This is especially the case for the elderly that feel extremely sad when their children, grandchildren, or other relatives don’t visit often.

Drink in Moderation

The proper “dosage” for men is two glasses a day and one for women. On the other hand, drinking may not only end up in alcoholism, but also in pancreas or  liver diseases and health problems in general. Doctors suggest drinking a glass of  red wine a day to prevent heart attacks or diabetes.

Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Junk food keeps you away from these two types of food that are so important for your development and well-being. Before choosing a salty snack, eat an apple. Instead of french fries, go for a tomato and lettuce salad. Fruits and vegetables help reduce cardiac diseases, cancer, obesity, cholesterol, etc. They also detoxify your body and improve your circulation.


You should go for a walk everyday or if you “don’t have time” at least use the stairs instead of the elevator. There is a huge correlation between physical activity and longevity. Playing a sport increases your life by up to 4 years and also has very good effects on your heart, lungs, mind, and mood. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Don’t Smoke

This is one of the worst habits that today’s society has. Women that stop smoking at 35 years old increase their lifetime between 6 and 8 years. It is never too late to stop smoking. Nobody says it will be easy, but it is worth trying. You will begin to notice the benefits after the first day and will increase as weeks and months go on.

Source: healthdigezt.com

3 Excellent Infusions that Promote Digestion

After a big meal rich in fats and proteins, there’s nothing better than an herbal tea to help the stomach with digestion.  You have several options to chose from.  This article will talk about some of the most effective infusions for keeping the stomach from feeling “heavy” after meals.

Ginger tea

Ginger is well-known for its gastronomical uses.  The primary active ingredients, however (gingerol, shogaol, and others) can be used in several different ways in the area of natural medicine.  These same ingredients affect the stomach, producing the following effects:
  • Stimulate pancreatic and gallbladder secretions, promoting digestion.
  • Help reduce the feeling of “heaviness” in the stomach.
  • Prevent dyspepsia, avoiding abdominal swelling and gas.
  • Help prevent nausea and vomiting.
That’s why drinking ginger tea after eating is perfect for good digestion.
Here’s a recipe for making a delicious ginger, chamomile, and lemon infusion: In one liter of water, boil half of one lemon, cut into slices.  Remove from heat after a few minutes and add peeled ginger pieces (however much you would like), and a few bags of chamomile tea.  Let steep for a few minutes, the strain and sweeten to taste with honey or stevia.

Chamomile: another powerful digestive infusion


Chamomile is another herb widely known for its medicinal properties.  In addition to producing a sedative effect, chamomile tea after lunch or dinner will help you to feel lighter.  Chamomile’s active ingredients prevent stomach and intestinal inflammation, help prevent flatulence as well as the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Here’s a good option to include in a chamomile and mint infusion, which is an excellent combination of digestive herbs: boil a bit of water; as soon as the water begins to boil, remove from heat and place a handful of chamomile and mint in a cup.  Pour the water into the cup and let steep for five minutes.  Strain and sweeten to taste.

Boldo and its attributes

Boldo infusion has a very unique taste, and is also one of the most most popular teas made for facilitating digestion.  This drink stimulates liver function and gallbladder secretions, making it easier to digest fatty foods.  To strengthen this effect, combine boldo tea with mint, chamomile, or tarragon.

Here’s a recipe for preparing a delicious boldo infusion: Boil a little bit of water.  Remove from heat once it begins to boil, and add a few boldo leaves.  If you prefer, add a few mint leaves, along with tarragon or chamomile.  Allow to steep for a few minutes, then strain, sweeten (to taste), and serve.
So now you have several options for delicious table-talk.  These digestion-promoting infusions will make you feel much lighter after a heavy meal.  Let’s enjoy a cup now!

 Source: healthdigezt.com

19 Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon or dalchini is a spice, which is used as a condiment in cuisines due to its delicate aroma. It is obtained from the bark of the cinnamon tree and is also used widely because of its medicinal properties.

Chinese medicine and Ayurveda have also considered cinnamon as a sacrosanct and a superpower ingredient, which is being used in the treatment of disorders, like indigestion, colds, and cramps, since ages. The therapeutic components of cinnamon are also believed to improve energy, strength and circulation of the blood. Let’s have a look at some of the surprising health benefits of this super spice.

1. Blood Sugar Control : Several studies have found that cinnamon is helpful in controlling the blood sugar. It is a popular home remedy to treat type 2 diabetes.

2. Candida Yeast Infections : Researchers have found out that cinnamon oil is highly effective in treating a number of strains of Candida, like Candida tropicalis, Candida albicans, Candida krusei, C. parapsilosis, and C. orthopedics. It has proved its amazing abilities in curing yeast infections that can’t be treated with medicines.

3. Stomach Bug/Flu : By far, the best remedy that can cure stomach flu is cinnamon as it has strong anti-bacterial properties. It is an extremely effective antidote against Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Escherichia coli. Cinnamon tea, cinnamon oil and cinnamon powder, all are helpful in curing stomach bug.

4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome : Cinnamon radically reduces the uneasy feelings related with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, in particular, the bloating. It enables the gastric juices to work normally by killing bacteria and curing infections in the gastrointestinal area. Moreover, if you face stomach cramps and distress, a cup of cinnamon tea, 2-3 times per day, can reduce the pain to a great extent.

5. Prevents Cancer : Cinnamon, in its several forms, has proven to be a great remedy in curing gastric cancers, tumours, and melanomas. Leukaemia and lymphoma cancer cells can also be mitigated by cinnamon. It contains Cinnamaldehyde and Eugenol that have proven excellent in treating cancerous cells.

6. Arthritis/Osteoporosis : Cinnamon is rich in manganese, which helps in building bones, blood and other connective tissues of the body. People, who have a deficiency of this mineral, are likely to get the troubles of arthritis/osteoporosis. Massaging with cinnamon oil or drinking cinnamon tea, both are helpful in curing arthritis/osteoporosis.

7. Alertness, Memory & Cognitive Development : Cinnamon is a useful condiment to keep the person more vigilant and less aggravated. Regular users of cinnamon have proved to be sharper in recalling and responding to things.

8. Anti-oxidant : Cinnamon is considered to be amongst the top seven anti-oxidants in the world. It virtually repairs all the damaged body parts, from skin to organs.

9. Weight Reducer : Apparently, cinnamon helps in thinning the blood and thereby, inducing blood circulation. Improved blood flow boosts the metabolic rate of the body, which is helpful in reducing the weight.

10. Muscle Pain : Massaging from cinnamon oil can help in alleviating muscle pain. Add a few drops in water and dunk the aching area to get relax and quick relief.

11. Anti-Fungal : The powerful anti-fungal properties of cinnamon kill the athlete’s foot-causing fungus.

12. Lowering LDL Cholesterol & Triglycerides : Cinnamon helps in reducing the amount of triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in the body, thereby reducing extra fat and preventing heart diseases.

13. Tooth Decay and Gum Disease : Cinnamon oil is used as the main ingredient in many chewing gums, breath mints, mouthwashes, and toothpaste. The anti-bacterial properties present in cinnamon plays a vital role in chucking out harmful bacteria, without causing any damage to the teeth or gums.

14. Cold, Sore Throat and Cough : Intake of cinnamon tea or cinnamon stick tea at the first sign of onset of sore throat will stop the ailment and check it from further spreading. Chinese medication generally uses and recommends cinnamon for phlegm cough.

15. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) : Being rich in manganese, cinnamon is an excellent spice in mitigating the ill-effects of PMS. It largely relieves a woman from pre-menstrual mood swings and cramps.

16. Food Poisoning : Cinnamon soothes down a person suffering from food poisoning. It kills bacteria, fungus and other microbes and combats well with the troubles, caused by food poisoning.

17. Infertility : Cinnamon helps the females with polycystic ovary syndrome in regularising the menstrual cycles, thus treating a type of infertility condition.

18. Headache : Cinnamon tea provides a quick relief in migraine and headaches.

19. Other Benefits
•It has natural anti-infectious compounds, which provide relieve from ulcers.
•It is a good remedy for several neurological diseases, like meningitis, brain tumour, •Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.
•Cinnamon has great pest control ability.
•Cinnamon is an excellent anti-coagulant.

Source: homeremedy.com

Fasting to Lose Weight: Is that a Good Option?

Fasting is an age-old practice followed by millions of people all over the world to reduce weight rapidly. Few consider fasting as the most effective way to reduce those stubborn fats. There is another set of people who consider fasting as a severe and a dangerous process to lose weight – that causes various health problems in future.

Fasting is also followed as a religious practice in many parts of the world, and those who fast assert that it helps them stay healthy. Fasting is also carried out to remove toxins from the body, and this type of fasting is known as detox fasting.

However, when it comes to weight loss, many consider fasting is the easiest process to follow. It does not require one to cook, control appetite to overeat, etc., thus, many choose this path to shed their weight. Is fasting really a good option to lose weight? Read on to know more.

How Fasting Works?
During fasting, one can dramatically reduce his/her calories intake to lose weight. This reduces the appetite of the person resulting in lesser consumption of food. Hence, weight gain in future can also be avoided. Fasting without food and with fruit juice and water can also support substantial weight loss without affecting the energy level of the body.

Advantages of Fasting
Fasting is an advantageous process for many. To reduce weight and achieve metabolism balance, fasting is a right choice. Few other advantages are as follows:
The most notable advantage of fasting is that, it helps in keeping the system clean.
Fasting also helps reduce unwanted fat from the body that makes you look thinner.

Fasting offers countless medical advantages like offering rest to the digestive system, detoxification of the body, inner stillness to the body, physical lightness and more.
One can achieve mental stability through fasting.

For many, fasting enhances spiritual connection that rejuvenates their entire mental health.
Digestive disorders and problems like constipation can be treated well by observing fast.
One can lose up to 20 pounds in a month by following a steadfast diet.

Few fasting plans like five fruits fasting, juice fasting, vegetable broth fasting and more can enhance good health in people.

Disadvantages of Fasting
Fasting has to be done with maximum care; otherwise, it results in serious health problems. Here are a few disadvantages of fasting:

Prolonged fasting can cause slow growth in kids and teenagers, as it may result in malnutrition.
At times, wrong fasting can slow down the metabolism of the body. This results in unwanted weight gain in people.

Few types of fasting can even cause anemia, obesity, lungs and kidney failure and more.
Fasting also causes dehydration in people because they intake very less amount of water. This results in renal problems, early signs of ageing, multi organ failure and also sudden death at times.

For those who are looking forward to healthy weight loss in the name of fasting, it causes mineral deficiencies, muscle breakdown and even vitamin deficiency.

At the initial stages of fasting, weight loss may be quicker, but the weight gain process once the person discontinues fasting may be even more rapid than weight loss.

Recommended Fasting Methods to Lose Weight
Dieticians all over the world recommend certain types of fasting that are beneficial to lose weight. These fasting methods do not pose any threat to your health, if you follow them with care.

1. Complete Fasting
Complete fasting is a process in which one can have nothing but water in a day. This fasting can prolong for about 24 hours and doing this once in a month can extend the life span of a person.

2. Intermittent Fasting
This is an exclusive fasting method that follows 5:2 schedule, i.e., you eat normally 5 days a week. The remaining 2 days are for dieting. Your calorie consumption for these 2 days cut to a ¼ of their normal level. It will improve your insulin sensitivity, cholesterol level and blood pressure.

3. Alternate Day Fasting
Alternate day fasting is a good way to increase balance in health. You are allowed to eat whatever you want one day, but the next day, you will have to restrict your diet. Consuming 300 calories in a day and not consuming more than 500 calories the next day helps improve digestion.

4. Transition Fasting
Transition fasting is a process in which one can become a vegetarian or a vegan slowly with the help of alternate day fasting. Avoiding non-vegetarian food entirely may not work out well for all, but transition fasting is a good choice.

How much weight one can lose through fasting?
With the help of fasting, one can reduce a maximum of 1lb. every day. Putting off more than 1lb. in a day is not a good fasting process. Be it any type of fasting, it is always advisable for you to take the help of your fitness expert, dietician or your family doctor. Instead of cooking instant soups, it is good to have boiled vegetables or the water after straining the boiled vegetables.

•Strictly follow a vegetarian diet, if you wish to reduce weight by fasting. One can also consume white meat that is fat-free.

•Combine fasting with simpler exercises like walking, jogging, treadmill and more. This helps you lose weight in a short time span.

•Take help of a dietician before following any type of fasting, so as to ensure that the path you are going to choose is safe for weight loss.

•Eat enough fresh fruits and boiled vegetables before starting your fast for the day. This keeps you hydrated and energetic.

•One can drink fruit juice without ice and sugar to stay hydrated when observing fasting.

•One can rely on weight loss supplements that reduce appetite but they may have adverse effect on health in long run. So, avoid consuming them excessively.

•Fasting is believed as the best procedure to cleanse your body, but this is not true. Do not follow any detox diet.

•It is a myth that fasting can reduce your belly fat or post-pregnancy fat accumulated near the tummy area. Try not to follow strict fasting to reduce only tummy fat or post-pregnancy fat.

•Fasting does not mean reducing the calories intake to a considerable level. Say for example, one cannot just eat 1000-1500 calories in a day to reduce weight. This process causes nutrition deficiency in people.

Source: homeremedy.com

How to Control Uric Acid Levels in 10 Ways

High levels of uric acid in the blood, also called hyperuricemia, can result from either increased production of uric acid in the body or decreased excretion of it through the kidneys.

It can further lead to problems like gouty arthritis, kidney stones and renal failure. Recent studies have also associated high blood uric acid levels with hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
Normal uric acid levels are:
  • Men: 3.4–7.0mg/dL
  • Women: 2.4–6.0 mg/dL
The values may vary at different labs.
Factors that can contribute to a high uric acid level include a diet high in purines (purines are broken down into uric acid), excess alcohol consumption, renal insufficiency, obesity, underactive thyroid, genetics, endocrine or metabolic conditions like diabetes or acidosis, and certain other diseases.

Certain cancers, chemotherapy agents and other medications, such as diuretics, may also contribute to it. Exercising, fasting and crash dieting may elevate uric acid levels temporarily.
There are some tips and natural remedies that can help reduce and control uric acid levels. In addition, proper diagnosis and treatment by a healthcare professional is a must.


Here are the top 10 ways to control uric acid levels.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Being a natural cleanser and detoxifier, apple cider vinegar can help remove wastes like uric acid from the body. It contains malic acid that helps break down and eliminate uric acid. Apple cider vinegar also helps restore the alkaline acid balance in the body and provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
  1. Add one teaspoon of raw, organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to a glass of water.
  2. Drink this solution two or three times a day.
You can gradually increase the amount of apple cider vinegar up to two tablespoons per glass of water and continue this remedy until your uric acid levels come down.

Note: Do not take apple cider vinegar in excess as it may decrease potassium levels in the body. Also, it may interfere with diuretic drugs.

2. Lemon Juice

Though it may seem that lemon juice will make the body more acidic, in actuality, it produces an alkaline effect and helps neutralize uric acid. Plus, its vitamin C content also helps lower uric acid levels.
  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass of warm water. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Continue for at least a few weeks.
  • You can also take vitamin C supplements. For proper dosage and suitability, consult your doctor.

3. Cherries

Cherries and dark berries contain chemicals that help reduce uric acid levels. Plus, purple and blue-colored berries contain flavonoids called anthocyanins that help lower uric acid and reduce inflammation and stiffness.
  • Eat one-half cup of cherries daily for a few weeks. You can also drink one or two cups of tart cherry juice for about four weeks.
  • Also, add blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, and other vitamin C and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables to your diet.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda, also called bicarbonate of soda, is highly beneficial for lowering uric acid levels and reducing gout pain. It helps maintain the natural alkaline balance in the body and makes the uric acid more soluble and easier to flush out of the kidneys.
  1. Mix one-half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  2. Drink up to four glasses of this daily for two weeks. You can drink it every two to four hours.
Note: Do not take this remedy on a regular basis. Also, do not follow this remedy if you suffer from high blood pressure. People age 60 or older should not drink more than three glasses of this baking soda solution daily.

5. Olive Oil

Most vegetable oils turn into rancid fats when heated or processed. The rancid fats destroy the vital vitamin E in the body, which is essential for controlling uric acid levels.

Opt for cold-pressed olive oil rather than using vegetable oil, butter or shortening in your cooking and baking. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats that remain stable when heated. Plus, it is high in vitamin E and antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory benefits.

6. Water

Drinking plenty of water helps optimize uric acid filtering. It helps dilute the uric acid and stimulates the kidneys to eliminate excess amounts from the body through urine.

Plus, drinking adequate water regularly can reduce the risk of recurrent gout attacks. In an internet-based study presented at the 2009 annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, researchers found that participants who drank five to eight glasses of water in the 24-hour period prior to a possible gout attack had a 40 percent decreased risk of an attack compared with those who drank only one glass of water or less.
  • Drink at least eight to 10 glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Also, include more fluids and fresh, water-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.

7. A Low-Purine Diet


Purines are nitrogen-containing compounds that break down into uric acid, thus increasing levels in the body. They are mostly found in animal proteins.

Steer clear of animal proteins like meats, organ meats, fish and poultry. Legumes, yeast, mushrooms, asparagus and beans are also high in purine. Beer, too, is rich in purine.

8. High-Fiber Foods and Starchy Carbohydrates


Foods high in dietary fiber help lower uric acid levels by absorbing it and then eliminating it from the body. You can also eat foods with starchy carbohydrates as they contain only small amounts of purine.
Whole grains, apples, pears, oranges and strawberries are some examples of high fiber foods that you can incorporate in your diet. Starchy carbohydrates are foods like rice, whole grain pasta, tapioca (also called sabudana), quinoa, potato, oats and bananas.

You can also drink green papaya tea to prevent the buildup of uric acid and treat uric acid and gout related problems. The papain in green papaya helps the body maintain an alkaline state and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.

9. Dairy Products


Low-fat milk and dairy products have been associated with lower plasma urate concentrations and reduced risk of gout. Skim milk, for example, contains orotic acid that decreases the re-absorption of uric acid and promotes its removal through the kidneys.
  • Drink one to five cups of skim milk daily.
  • You can also include low-fat yogurt and other dairy products in your diet.
Tofu, too, can help alter plasma protein concentration and increase uric acid clearance. Soy milk, however, has been found to increase uric acid.

10. Wheatgrass Juice


Wheatgrass helps restore alkalinity in the blood. Plus, it is rich in vitamin C, chlorophyll and phytochemicals that promote detoxification. It is also a good source of protein and amino acids as an alternative to eating animal protein.

Simply drink one ounce (two tablespoons) of wheatgrass juice mixed with a squeeze of lemonjuice daily until your uric acid level comes down.
Additional Tips
  • Limit your alcohol intake as it interferes with the elimination of uric acid.
  • Avoid high-fructose corn syrup or glucose-fructose syrup as they tend to increase uric acid levels.
  • Get regular exercise and maintain a healthy weight. It is believed that fatty tissue tends to increase uric acid production.
  • Eat a balanced diet that is high in complex carbohydrates and low in protein. Avoid refined carbohydrates such as white bread, cakes and candies.
  • Cut back on foods high in fat as it lowers the body’s ability to eliminate uric acid.
Source: healthdigezt.com

12 Weird Health Tips You Should Try That Really Work

Many methods to improve your health are pretty straightforward: To lose weight, eat less and exercise more; to boost your energy, get more sleep; to prevent dehydration, drink more water. Others, however, are totally counterintuitive. The following 12 tips really do work — but they may leave you scratching your head.

1. Drink coffee to have a better nap.

In a Japanese study that examined how to make the most of a nap, people who took a “coffee nap” — consuming about 200 milligrams of caffeine (the amount in one to two cups of coffee) and then immediately taking a 20-minute rest — felt more alert and performed better on computer tests than those who only took a nap.

Why does this work? A 20-minute nap ends just as the caffeine kicks in and clears the brain of a molecule called adenosine, maximizing alertness. “Adenosine is a byproduct of wakefulness and activity,” says Allen Towfigh, M.D., medical director of New York Neurology & Sleep Medicine. “As adenosine levels increase, we become more fatigued. Napping clears out the adenosine and, when combined with caffeine, an adenosine-blocker, further reduces its effects and amplifies the effects of the nap.”

2. For healthy teeth, don’t brush after eating.

Don’t brush your teeth immediately after meals and drinks, especially if they were acidic. Acidic foods — citrus fruits, sports drinks, tomatoes, soda (both diet and regular) — can soften tooth enamel “like wet sandstone,” says Howard R. Gamble, immediate past president of the Academy of General Dentistry. Brushing your teeth at this stage can speed up acid’s effect on your enamel and erode the layer underneath. Gamble suggests waiting 30 to 60 minutes before brushing.

3. To wear a smaller size, gain weight.

Muscle weight, that is. If two women both weigh 150 pounds and only one lifts weights, the lifter will more likely fit into a smaller pant size than her sedentary counterpart. Likewise, a 150-pound woman who lifts weights could very well wear the same size as a 140-pound woman who doesn’t exercise. The reason: Although a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, muscle takes up less space, says Mark Nutting, fitness director of SACO Sport & Fitness in Saco, Maine. “You can get bigger muscles and get smaller overall if you lose the fat,” he says. “The bulk so many women fear only occurs if you don’t lose fat and develop muscle on top of it.” Cut back on calories and add weight to your workout to lose inches.

4. To eat less, eat more.

Grabbing a 100-calorie snack pack of cookies or pretzels may seem virtuous, but it’s more likely to make you hungrier than if you ate something more substantial, says Amy Goodson, RD, dietitian for Texas Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine. “Eating small amounts of carbohydrates does nothing but spike your blood sugar and leave you wanting more carbs.” Goodson recommends choosing a protein such as peanut butter or string cheese with an apple. “They are higher in calories per serving, but the protein and fat helps you get full faster and stay full longer — and you end up eating fewer calories overall,” she says.

5. Skip energy drinks when you’re tired.

Energy drinks contain up to five times more caffeine than coffee, but the boost they provide is fleeting and comes with unpleasant side effects like nervousness, irritability, and rapid heartbeat, says Goodson. Plus, energy drinks often contain high levels of taurine, a central nervous system stimulant, and upwards of 50 grams of sugar per can (that’s 13 teaspoons worth!). The sweet stuff spikes blood sugar temporarily, only to crash soon after, leaving you sluggish and foggy-headed — and reaching for another energy drink.

6. Drink water when you’re bloated.

When you feel bloated, drinking water sounds as if it would only make matters worse, but it can often help, says James Lee, M.D., gastroenterologist with St. Joseph Hospital in Orange, Calif. If you’re on a high-fiber diet, for instance, then your body needs more water to work more efficiently, says Lee. “Water mixes with water soluble fiber and makes it into a gel like substance. This affects the motility of the gut and reduces the symptom of bloating.” Drinking more water also relieves bloating caused by dehydration. When you’re dehydrated, your body clings to the water your body does have, causing you to puff up.

7. Ditch diet soda to lose weight.

You should ditch all soda, including diet. Research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health revealed that overweight and obese adults who drank diet beverages ate more calories from food than those who drank regular soda. Additionally, a University of Texas study found that diet soda drinkers had a 70 percent greater increase in waist circumference than non-drinkers over the course of about 10 years.

“In addition, many people think ‘low-fat,’ ‘low-sugar’ or ‘light’ means fewer calories, but that’s not always true,” says Goodson. “Typically when manufacturers cut something out and the end result tastes just as good, they’ve added something like additional sugar.”

8. Drink a hot beverage to cool off.

Which will cool you off faster on a steamy summer morning: iced coffee or hot? Two recent studies say the latter — and so do other cultures where drinking hot tea in hot weather is the norm, like in India. When you sip a hot beverage, your body senses the change in temperature and increases your sweat production. Then, as the sweat evaporates from your skin, you cool off naturally.

9. Exercise when you’re tired.

After a long, exhausting workday, exercising sounds like the last thing you’d want to do, but getting your sweat on will actually energize you. Fatigue along with mood and depression improved after a single 30-minute moderate intensity exercise session, according to a study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. “Everything we do uses oxygen, so when you exercise it helps you work more efficiently and you don’t tire as easily,” says Nutting. “You also function better mentally.”

10. Handwrite notes to boost your brainpower.

Typing notes enables you to jot down more material, but you’re more likely to remember those notes if you handwrite them, according to research from Indiana University. “To learn something means you have processed it,” says Towfigh. “And when you take handwritten notes you ‘process’ or learn more information. You begin the learning process as you listen to the lecture.” Plus, since you look at the page on which you are writing, you naturally review the material and reinforce the information you’ve already processed, Towfigh says.

11. To improve your relationship, spend less time together.

Jumping from one social event to another without any time to come up for air could sacrifice the quality of your relationships. Spending time alone allows you to process your thoughts rather than act impulsively and, as a result, you get to know yourself better, says Elizabeth Lombardo, Ph.D., author of Better Than Perfect: 7 Strategies to Crush Your Inner Critic and Create a Life You Love. “Alone time enables you to be more in touch with yourself and can better give and receive,” Lombardo says. “In addition, it reduces stress and anxiety, which could also contribute to relationship strains.” Meditate, go for a walk, sit in a café and people watch, or even clean out your closet, she suggests.

12. Ditch antibacterial soap to prevent illness.

Reaching for the soap bottle labeled “antibacterial” won’t necessarily reduce your risk of getting sick or passing illness to others — in fact, there is no evidence that antibacterial soaps are more effective than regular ones. What’s more, long-term exposure to some ingredients in these products, such as triclosan, may pose health risks like bacterial resistance or hormonal effects, according to a 2013 FDA statement. More research on the effects of triclosan is needed, and in the meantime, the FDA is working toward requiring manufacturers to prove their products are safe for long-term use — and the state of Minnesota has banned triclosan-containing products altogether, which goes into full effect in 2017.

 Source: healthdigezt.com

10 Smart Ways in Dealing with Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is characterized by an inability to digest lactose, which is the primary sugar in milk and dairy products. The condition causes symptoms like stomach aches, bloating, gas, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, tummy rumbles and other gastrointestinal problems after eating or drinking milk or dairy products.

It is usually a result of insufficient levels of an enzyme called lactase, which helps break down lactose. The symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the amount of lactase produced in the small intestine.

Common causes of lactose intolerance include genetics and digestive problems like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and gastroenteritis. The problem may also develop naturally with age, when the small intestine starts making less lactase.

Lactose intolerance is often confused with a milk allergy. A milk allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to the proteins in milk.

Unlike those who are allergic to milk, most people who are lactose intolerant can have small amounts of lactose without any problem. Thus, they need not avoid milk and milk products completely. This lactose threshold, however, varies from one person to another.


There is no cure for lactose intolerance. The best way to deal with it is to limit your intake of milk, milk products and foods containing lactose. Be aware that milk and lactose are also in many prepared foods that are not in the dairy aisle, such as cereals, cream soups, non-dairy creamers, sherbet, pancakes and others.

Needless to say, you also need to consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor may refer you to a dietician for further education and advice.


Here are the top 10 ways to help you deal with lactose intolerance.

1. Find Your Lactose Threshold

The degree of lactose intolerance differs from one person to another. To assess your level of intolerance, avoid consuming any lactose for 3 to 4 weeks to eliminate it from your system. Then, start adding back small amounts of milk or cheese in your diet and monitor your symptoms carefully to determine the amount that you can handle without any problems.

In a study by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2010, researchers found that most people with lactose intolerance or lactose maldigestion can, on average, tolerate up to 12 grams of lactose as a single dose, especially when taken with other food.

The study noted that a precise threshold that works for all, however, cannot be determined due to variations in individual tolerances.

So when eating or drinking dairy products, choose small servings of up to 4 ounces or 1/2 cup at a time. It is less likely to cause gastrointestinal problems. Drinking milk with other foods can also lessen the problems by slowing the digestive process.

2. Yogurt & Cheese

Most people with lactose intolerance can tolerate products like yogurt and hard cheese in moderation because they have lower levels of lactose. Full-fat dairy products usually have lower amounts of lactose compared to low-fat and non-fat varieties. Fat slows the passage of lactose in the digestive system.
  • Eat probiotic yogurt with live cultures. The live, active bacterial cultures will help break down lactose and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. Greek yogurt, too, has less lactose than regular yogurt because much of its whey protein is strained out in its processing. Frozen yogurt may not be helpful, though.
  • You can also eat full-fat cottage cheese and aged hard cheeses, such as cheddar and Swiss cheese.

3. Kefir

Like yogurt, kefir can also be used as a probiotic for a healthy digestive system. In a study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers found that yogurt and kefir can help improve lactose digestion and reduce the symptoms of lactose intolerance.

The participants reported that drinking kefir reduced the frequency of flatulence by more than half when compared with milk.

Kefir has a wide array of live, active bacterial cultures that help break down lactose in the digestive tract. Plus, it is a good source of calcium, potassium and protein.

Simply drink 1/2 cup of kefir milk daily and gradually increase the amount depending on how much you can tolerate without developing problems.

4. Milk Substitutes

Look for healthy substitutes for milk, such as coconut milk, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, oat milk, hemp milk and others. If you are not used to the taste of these alternatives, start by adding any of these as a replacement for milk in your puddings and other baked goods.

Plus, start with small amounts and opt for calcium and vitamin D-fortified plant-based milks. You can also substitute butter with coconut oil and even fruit purees like applesauce, banana or prune.

Note: At times, non-dairy options may also cause gastrointestinal problems as they may contain guar gum (a common food additive that may sometimes cause digestive problems) to add thickness.

5. Lactase Supplement

Lactase supplements help replace the lactase enzyme that your body is not producing. This will help you digest lactose, thus reducing GI problems. The supplements are to be taken when eating foods containing lactose.
  • Take 1 to 3 lactase tablets before eating foods containing lactose.
  • You can also add a lactase supplement (2,000 IU) to milk (500 ml or 2 cups) immediately before drinking it.
Note: These supplements may not be suitable for young children and pregnant women. Plus, supplements may not work for everyone.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can help reduce lactose intolerance as it aids digestion, especially in the initial stages. It also works as an effective remedy to neutralize stomach acid and other digestive problems caused by lactose intolerance.
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in a glass of water.
  2. Drink it daily for at least a few weeks.

7. Ginger


Ginger is an excellent home remedy to get relief from gastrointestinal problems caused by lactose intolerance or simply indigestion as it reduces nausea and abdominal gas.
  1. Add 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger to a cup of boiling water.
  2. Let it simmer for a few minutes.
  3. Strain the solution. You can also add a little lemon juice and honey to it.
  4. Drink up to 3 cups of ginger tea daily to relieve symptoms.

8. Chamomile


Chamomile tea can also help relieve discomfort caused by lactose intolerance. It neutralizes stomach acid and reduces bloating. Another added benefit is that it promotes relaxation.
  1. Add 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers to a cup of hot water.
  2. Cover, let it steep for about 5 minutes and then strain.
  3. Drink this herbal tea a few times a day.

9. Get Needed Nutrients


As milk and dairy products are a major source of several nutrients, especially calcium, limiting their intake can be a drawback for your nutritional needs. Calcium is essential for healthy teeth and bones. Thus, you need to explore other options and make smart food choices to include other sources of nutrients in your diet.
  • Eat whole grains, beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables (like spinach, collards and broccoli), soy products, blackstrap molasses, nuts and seeds, dried fruits and calcium-fortified juices to enrich your body with essential vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.
  • In addition, consult your doctor about taking calcium and vitamin D supplements.

10. Check Product Labels


Packaged and processed foods can be hidden sources of lactose. Check the nutrition labels closely to see if they contain milk, milk by-products, dry milk solids or non-fat dry milk powder.

Instant soups, breakfast cereals, candies, non-dairy creamers, salad dressings, margarine, processed meats, breads and other baked goods often contain milk and lactose.
Plus, you can opt for lactose-free or lactose-reduced products available at most supermarkets.

Source: healthdigezt.com

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms You Should know by Now

This problem is not usually diagnosed because magnesium doesn’t tend to appear in blood tests. Only 1% of magnesium is stored in the blood stream. Also, the majority of doctors don’t even include its analysis in their exams, which is why it is difficult to know if you suffer from magnesium deficiency or not. 

They say that most people in industrialized countries like the United States are lacking magnesium, but very few know it. It is good to keep in mind that this can bring many diseases along with it.

Magnesium Deficiency: What to Know

Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that you have in your body after water, oxygen, and basic nutrients. It is vital to your development and is more relevant than calcium, sodium, and potassium because it is in charge of regulating all three.

One of the most common symptoms in magnesium deficiency is being very thirsty and drinking a lot of water or liquids everyday. This is because you aren’t receiving the necessary nutrients from food and your body expresses it by wanting hydration.


It also contracts your muscles, which causes constipation, menstrual cramps, spasms when urinating, difficulty swallowing, “knots” in your throat, photophobia, high sensitivity to noise, an affected nervous system, insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, hyperactivity, agoraphobia, PMS, tingling feelings, numbness, or instability.

In regards to your cardiovascular system, magnesium deficiency can cause arrhythmia, palpitations, chest pain (angina), spasm in your arteries, hypertension, and mitral valve prolapse.

Why Is Magnesium so Important?

Your body basically needs it for all of its functions. Cells live thanks to magnesium. It is vital for enzymes to work and it synthesizes proteins, carbohydrates, and fat. It is also essential in energy production. In short, a deficiency in magnesium affects all the systems in the body. Water that contains a lot of magnesium can prevent this deficiency.

It is interesting to know that deficiency in this mineral can trigger diabetes. According to some studies, patients that suffer from magnesium deficiency were more vulnerable to suffer from problems in blood sugar production.

How Can I Add Magnesium to my Daily Diet?

The recommended amount of magnesium is 300 milligrams for men and 280 for women. Pregnant women should consume 350. Magnesium is found mainly in nuts (like almonds, cashew, or walnuts) and in legumes (like peas).
A diet rich in magnesium for one day can be the following:

  • Breakfast: tea with low fat milk with two whole wheat slices of toast.
  • Mid-morning: 10 nuts or 10 almonds
  • Lunch: a cup of raw spinach, 120 grams of natural tuna and 1 cup of whole grain cooked rice. For a dessert, a light flan with two chopped up walnuts.
  • Snack: low fat milk with cereal and an apple
  • Mid-afternoon: 2 rice or oatmeal cookies with a handful of raisins
  • Dinner: chicken breast with chard pudding and a tomato and cucumber salad. A half cup of strawberries for dessert.
 Source: healthdigezt.com

Surprising Health Benefits of Dancing

Dancing is one ways that people of all ages can stay in shape.  Beyond it being fun, dance provides  a lot of positive health benefits.  Read more about the health benefits of dancing below.

Dancing is one of the ways to truly lighten up some people’s monotonous lives.  Emotional, mental, physical, and general health all truly benefit from it.  When someone decides to begin a new way of exercising, they usually think about how much fun it is, and that’s just what dancing is…fun.

Benefits of dancing for general health


Helps your heart

Dancing is a wonderful activity for people with the risk of cardiovascular disease.  One Italian study showed that people with cardiac failure that practiced dance as a form of exercise, improve their heart health along with respiration, and life quality in a significant way compared to people that rode bicycles or walked on a track for exercise.

Weight loss

Weight loss is another one benefit ofs dancing, if done continually.  One study in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that an aerobic training exercise program for dance is just as useful for weight loss and increase of aerobic capacity as cycling and jogging.

Increases your energy

Do you lack energy throughout the day?  Dancing could help you recover it.  One study published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition found that a weekly dance program could improve physical performance and energy levels in adults.

Improves flexibility, strength, and endurance

Dancing just a few times requires a large amount of flexibility.  The majority of dance classes begin with a warm-up that includes several different stretching exercises.  When you dance, you have to push yourself to reach a range of movement with all muscle groups.

Dancing increases strength, forcing the muscles to endure against the body’s own weight.  A lot of dance styles, including jazz and ballet, require jumping in the air, and jumping requires a tremendous amount of strength in the primary muscles in the leg.

Dance is a physical exercise, which is how it increases endurance.  Endurance is the ability of the muscles to work hard for longer periods of time without fatigue.  Dancing regularly is perfect for increasing resistance, especially vigorous dance.

Benefits of dancing for emotional health


It makes you feel happy

Dancing is something that practically everyone can enjoy doing.  If you watch someone while they are dancing, they will surely have a big smile on their face.  Smiling and laughing during dance is completely natural!  This is because it allows you to truly enjoy yourself.  There is not age limit to dancing, unlike other forms of exercise.  A person of any age can dance and enjoy the benefits of dance on health.

Eliminate stress and depression

It has been shown that one of the benefits of dance is that it helps prevent mild depression and improves confidence in the dancer.  Depression is becoming a greater problem among adolescents and adults of all ages.

One study in the International Journal of Neuroscience found that dance movement therapy not only improves depression, but it also reduces stress psychology by regulating serotonin and dopamine levels in the body.  Given that dancing is a social activity, it helps with feelings of loneliness that people suffering from depression may feel, and sometimes, elderly people who live alone.

Improves confidence and self-esteem

Dance also helps improve confidence.  Every time you learn a new dance step, you experience an increase in confidence, and your energy levels increase.  This increase in confidence is then transferred to all aspects of your life.

Dancing is a social activity.  Studies have shown that strong social ties and socialization with friends contributes to high self-esteem and a positive attitude.  Dancing provides a lot of opportunities to get to know other people.  Joining dance classes can increase your self-esteem and develop social abilities.  Because physical exercise reduces stress and tension, dancing gives you a general sensation of well-being.

Benefits of dancing for mental health


Improves memory

According to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, dancing can  increase your memory and prevent the appearance of dementia as you grow older.  Science has revealed that aerobic exercise can revert the loss of hippocampus volume, the area of the brain that controls memory.  The hippocampus naturally shrinks during adult age, which frequently leads to memory problems, and sometimes dementia.

Fight Alzheimer’s disease

One study with elderly participants, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that frequent dancing helps  prevent the effects of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.  It can also increase mental clarity for people of all ages.  It has also been shown that people with Alzheimer’s disease are able to remember forgotten memories when they dance to music that they used to know.

Increases intelligence

For centuries, dance manuals and other written texts have praised the health benefits of dancing, generally as a form of physical exercise.  Now, thanks to studies, it has been shown to increase intelligence.  The essence of intelligence is decision making.  The best advice, in regards to mental clarity, is to get involved in activities that require you to make quick decisions (within seconds).  So in order to increase your intelligence in the area of memorization, all you need to do is work on your physical style of dance.

One way of doing this is by learning something new.  Not only dance, but anything that’s new.  By taking dance classes you could challenge your mind and stimulate the connectivity between the brain, generating a need for more routes.  Difficult classes are the best, because they provoke you to needing more new neuron connections, therefore increasing your neural connectivity.

What type of music should I dance to?

There are lots of dance styles; jazz, salsa, merengue, bachata, reggaeton, zumba, hip-hop, ballet, contemporary, etc.  These are all different types of music.  Every form of dance is equally beneficial.  All styles of dance will provide you will ways in which you can have a healthy life.  Dancing can help you in a lot of ways.  All dancing styles are equally effective, all you need to decide on is which style of dance you like most, and practice it routinely to get the health benefits of dancing.

Source: healthdigezt.com

20 Home Remedies for Candida

Candida is a yeast infection, which is caused by fungi, called “Candida Albicans”. When there is an over-production of this type of fungus in the body, it leads to various symptoms, such as vaginitis, fatigue, digestive problems, arthritis and several other issues.

It can affect different parts of the body, like mouth, tongue, stomach, skin, throat, kidney, bladder and vagina. Candida generally affects people with weak immune system. Though, it is not a serious problem, but if left untreated, it can lead to a bigger health problem. So, it is better to cure it with some basic home remedies that will help to get rid of it quickly.

Candida is mainly caused due to an overgrowth of fungi, called “Candida Albicans”. The good bacteria are outnumbered by the bad bacteria, leading to an infection in the body.
Skin infection in places, like groin, under or between breasts, toes and fingers
Infection around nails
Cracking around the mouth
Rashes on penis
Indigestion, bloating
Kidney or bladder infections
Sore throat
Hypoglycaemia, hypothyroidism
Swelling in the lymph nodes
Home Remedies for Candida

1. Yoghurt
One of the most effective treatments for candida is yoghurt. Yoghurt contains natural or ‘good’ bacteria- lactobacillus acidophilus, which destroys the bad bacteria while curing the infection. For the treatment of vaginal infection, soak a tampon in plain yoghurt and place it in the vagina. Another option is to include plain yoghurt in every day diet. Yoghurt is also a panacea for indigestion.

2. Tea Tree Oil
Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on the skin infection caused due to candida fungus. For oral candidiasis, pour a few drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water. Use it to rinse your mouth. You can also utilize this solution as an external wash to get rid of candida infection in vagina.

3. Garlic
Garlic is the best anti-bacterial or anti-fungal remedy to treat candida. Eat raw garlic or insert a garlic clove in the vagina for a few hours in order to get rid of candida infection.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial agent, which is perfect for treating candida infections on genitals or skin. Simply mix a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Use it to wash the affected area. Repeat this several times in order to get rid of the infection completely.

5. Boric Acid Capsules
Insert boric acid capsules in the vagina in order to cure the infection of candida.

6. Colloidal Silver
Take superior colloidal silver every day in order to get rid of candida quickly.

7. Bentonite Clay
Take bentonite clay to get quick relief from candida infection from the intestine.

8. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is one of the most effective home remedies for treating candida. Add a spoon or 2 of coconut oil to your daily diet to get rid of candida.

9. Reishi
This is one of the best anti-fungal foods that clear up the body from harmful toxins while boosting up the immune system. Begin taking it in small doses for relieving yourself from candida infection.

10. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is good for treating candida in the stomach as it is a good anti-bacterial agent. You can have 1-2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel to cure the infection quickly.

11. Ginseng
Ginseng is an amazing herb for boosting up the immune system.

12. Noni
Noni is another herb that has good healing properties. It also helps in making the immune system strong.

13. Goldenseal & Chaparral Leaf
For candida infection on feet, you can steep some goldenseal and chaparral leaf in water. Then, drench your feet in this solution.

14. Pau d’arco Bark
Drink at least 3-4 cups of pau d’arco tea daily. This also helps in reducing the candida infection.

15. Black Walnut Extract
Take black walnut extract to get relief from candida infection.

16. Thyme Essential Oil
Thyme essential oil can be used to treat an infection, caused by candida fungus. Oregano oil or cinnamon essential oil is also effective in treating Candida.

17. Olive Leaf Extract
Take olive leaf extract to get rid of candida quickly.

18. Garlic & Sesame Oil
Take a garlic clove and mix it with ¼ cup of sesame oil. First, apply raw honey on the area infected with candida, and then, apply this mixture. Keep it covered with a sterile bandage, and leave it for about 4-6 hours.

19. Eleuthero Root Tincture
Take eleuthero root tincture to boost up your immune system.

20. Camphor Essential Oil
Apply camphor essential oil to the infected area in order to get relief from candida.
Homeopathic Remedies for Candida

1. Pulsatilla
This remedy is often taken when candida causes thick green or yellowish vaginal discharge along with red rashes on the chest and abdomen.

2. Sepia
This remedy should be taken if candida is accompanied by symptoms, such as chronic constipation, itchiness on skin, along with chills, mood swings and irritability.

3. Sulphur
When there is a feeling of burning in the soles of the feet as well as in the vagina along with redness on face, nose, ears, and rectum, this remedy is useful. The person may also suffer from diarrhoea.

4. Calcarea carbonica
When the person is suffering from candida symptoms, like coldness of legs and top of the head, along with a thick creamy discharge, itchiness and burning in case of vaginal infection, this remedy is recommended. It may also be accompanied with constipation.

Preventive Measures for Candida
Drink ample of water to detoxify your body.
Avoid sugary foods, such as chocolates.
Avoid excess intake of milk products.
Avoid alcohol.
Decrease your intake of fresh fruit juices.
Avoid eating processed meats and yeast products.
Maintain proper hygiene.
Use cotton underwear, and avoid harsh soaps to prevent vaginal candida.
After using washroom, don’t forget to wipe from front to back.

Source: homeremedy.com

Secrets of People Who Never Get Sick

Follow these 10 rules and give illness the run-around.
It’s tempting to dismiss it as luck: Some people might catch a slight cold or suffer an occasional ache or pain now and then, but they never seem to suffer from flus, fevers and illnesses that send the rest of us diving under the covers for days.

Despite centuries of scientific advances, doctors still can’t tell us definitively how to stay well. So why not look for solutions from the people for whom the common cold is, well, uncommon?

Here, 10 surprising habits of those people who never get sick—and how you can adapt them to your own soon-to be healthier life.


Researchers at Duke  University found that stress damages the immune system and the heart. Other studies suggest that it increases your chances of contracting bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There’s also evidence that learning relaxation techniques early on is crucial: A 2009 Stress in America Survey by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress is a top health concern for kids between ninth and 12th grades, and suggested that stress could do serious long-term damage if those children don’t learn to manage it.

Of course, exercise is one of the best ways to chill out. A University of Southern California study found that when participants took a vigorous walk around a track, they reduced tension in their bodies by 20 percent. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is also crucial, as is laughing: It releases endorphins in the body that act as natural stress busters. Plus, a good guffaw gives your heart muscle a workout.


Just one tablespoon packs in most of the B vitamins you need each day, including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folic acid and biotin. Without enough of these vitamins, the body isn’t able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins; the Bs are also essential for healthy hair, skin, nerves, blood cells, hormone-producing glands and a thriving immune system.

B vitamins help manufacture antibodies and white blood cells that make up the immune response. And in times of stress, the Bs can be depleted, which compromises your immunity. Sprinkle a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast over popcorn or cereal, mix it into soups or sauces (the taste goes especially well with split pea soup or any dish made with tomato sauce) or bake into quick breads and cookies.


As far back as the 1930s, studies found that animals that were fed less lived twice as long. More recent research in humans has linked calorie restriction to lower incidences of age-related health problems, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Participants in one study who ate 25 percent less than their usual amounts had lower overall cholesterol, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. Keep in mind that calorie restriction is an easy diet to do unsafely, however. Start by limiting simple sugars and flours, and pack your meals with dark leafy greens and other vegetables.


OK, so no expert will tell you to toss a few dirt clods into the blender the next time you whip up some pesto, but research suggests that the move toward complete sterility in the modern age wasn’t necessarily more healthful. It appears that the path to increasing health is probably somewhere between the squalor of our ancestors’ environment and the hyper-cleanliness of the developed world.

Bacteria and our bodies have a symbiotic relationship in which their presence helps our systems stay healthy and balanced. “Good” germs can improve your metabolism, enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, found that the more bacteria you have on the surface of your skin, the better you combat inflammation. So go outside, have plenty of contact with Mother Nature and get dirty! And rather than scrub your foods raw, give them a quick rinse.


Although plant-based health aids have been long derided by the Western medical community, about one quarter of all prescription drugs are derived from plants. Herbal remedies (plants purported to have medicinal properties) are an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, and what we know about plants’ abilities to heal is impressive:

They can alleviate high blood pressure, stimulate the nervous system, destroy germs and boost the immune system. But you needn’t fill your medicine cabinet with supplements; something as simple as green tea can help improve your immunity and your health.

Commercial green tea beverages have come under fire recently for unsubstantiated health claims, yet studies have shown that antioxidants in green tea called polyphenols have the potential to boost metabolism and burn fat, protect against liver disease, control blood sugar levels and lower LDL cholesterol. Skip pre-packaged bottled versions and sip unflavored loose-leaf green tea instead.

 Source: healthdigezt.com