1. Snappy strengthening moves
Get more bang for your workout burst with these one-minute power moves from Equinox NYC instructor Omar Sandoval’s hot new Titan Method class.
For the full Titan class effect, do any five moves back-to-back, rest 30 seconds, and repeat. For best results, slip this speed session in every other day.
2. Arms & shoulders: Squat and press
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and a pair of 8- to 10-lb dumbbells between feet. Push hips back to lower into a squat (keep knees behind toes); grasp a dumbbell with each hand.
3. Arms & shoulders: Clean and press windmill
Stand with feet shoulder-width and an 8- to 10-lb dumbbell between them. Push hips back to lower into squat (knees behind toes); grasp dumbbell with left hand. Push through feet and rise to standing, bringing dumbbell toward left shoulder; push it overhead.
Bend at waist to right, allowing right foot to turn out; right hand is on inside of right leg. Continue to bend sideways, sliding right hand down to foot, keeping left hand overhead. Reverse movement to return to squat; continue for 60 seconds.
Switch sides and repeat.
4. Abs & back: Dumbbell plank
Get into the “up” part of push-up position with feet wider than shoulder-width, hands each gripping a dumbbell directly below shoulders. Your body should be in a straight, diagonal line from head to heels (as shown). Hold for 60 seconds.
5. Abs & back: Plank with side snatch
Come to plank position with body straight, feet wider than shoulder-width, hands gripping 8- to 10-lb dumbbells.
6. Legs & butt: Shuffle dumbbell swing
Stand with feet wide, an 8- to 10-lb dumbbell between feet. Squat down (knees behind toes) and shuffle to left, then back to center; grab dumbbell with both hands. Straighten knees while turning legs and body to right, swinging weight up and straight out to right as if swinging a baseball bat.
Return to squat position and repeat on opposite side; continue alternating for 60 seconds.7. Legs & butt: Superhero jump
Get into “up” part of push-up position; step left foot forward into lunge position, leaving right hand on floor and lifting left hand out and back. Push into both feet and jump up onto left foot, raising right knee and touching left hand to it. Return to lunge, then push-up position.
Continue for 60 seconds, thenswitch sides and repeat.Source: healthdigezt.com
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