Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014

12 Super Foods for Healthier Nails

No matter nails are just dead tissues; still, they are the significant part of our body. When nails are clean and shiny, they actually add grace to your hands, and nails are probably one of those parts of human’s body, which are magnificently embellished by girls.

Moreover, nails are bitten perilously when a person is nervous and stressed out. For all these reasons, it is necessary to look after the nails to a great extent. There are a number of super foods, which adds great strength and vigour to your nails and make them look healthy.

1. Banana
The zinc, vitamin B6, and mineral silica in banana perk up the appearance and the strength of the nails.

2. Milk
Besides being excellent for teeth and bones, milk is also amazing in strengthening the nails. The calcium in milk induces the nails to grow faster. The insufficiency of calcium in one’s body, apart from affecting teeth and bones, can also make the nails dull and brittle.

3. Carrots
The vitamin A in carrot can bring back the strength and shine of your nails, if consumed regularly. Carrots not only revamp the nails, but are also effective in treating the immune system and keeping the hair and skin healthy.

4. Eggs
Eggs are protein based foodstuff, which are great for the health of nails. Nails are made of keratin, which is a type of protein, and hence; it becomes necessary to intake protein rich food.

5. Tomatoes
The lycopene and biotin in tomatoes are helpful in bringing shine and strength to the nails. They save nails from getting brittle. Lycopene makes the nails thicker and lustrous.

6. Broccoli
Broccoli is an affluent source of iron, which prevents the brittleness and decolouration of nails. Broccoli not only increases oxygen in blood, but also nurtures the red blood cells.

7. Beans
To get longer, thicker, and stronger nails, eat one cup of beans every day. Silicon is that ingredient in beans, which is excellent for healthy nails.

8. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are profused with beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is useful in attaining healthy and shiny nails, as well as cell growth.

9. Water
By drinking 8 to 10 glass of water every day, you can prevent dehydration. Dehydration causes nails to look pale, dull, and weak. It also causes cuticles. Other than water, one should also intake fruits and vegetables that are rich in water contents.

10. Pumpkin Seeds
The zinc in pumpkin seeds plays an imperative role in structuring the connective tissues and maintaining the immunity level of the body. The deficiency of zinc can cause nails to attain white areas, which is similar to when we put pressure on nails.

11. Oily Fishes
The omega fatty acids in oily fishes, like salmons, sardines, tuna, etc, are efficient in nourishing the nail bed and giving the body those nutrients, which are essential for healthy nails.

12. Kale
Kale is a green vegetable, which is prosperous in the amount of vitamins and minerals. It makes the nails strong and averts dryness in nails.


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